JustĀ published - new souvenir guide for the Museum.

Whitehead Railway Museum Guide Book 2019 (ISBN 978-0-9928604-1-7)
This new 64-page guide to our museum and the work of our Society has a multitude of pictures, in both colour and black and white, to give our visitors a flavour of all that our railway museum, railway works and 'Museum on the Move' has to offer.
Printed on large landscape-format pages (10½ by 8¼ inches / 270 by 210mm), many of the pictures are printed full-page for maximum impact.
The Guide includes a labelled map of our station, works, sheds and track layout at Whitehead Excursion station as well as an artist's perspective aerial view of the site from signal box to carriage shed.
The pictures are themed in pairs of opposite pages so that each opening of the Guide reveals a new topic. These include Railways in Ireland on the theme of "All over Ireland, Always in Steam" and many of our eye-catching posters; Railways in the Landscape; Whitehead Railway Town; Whitehead Excursion Station; Signal Box; Whitehead Railway Museum; Blackhead and The Gobbins; Volunteering with the slogan "Our Trains are Powered by Steam, Our Society is Powered by Volunteers" (you may be one of those pictured!); Steam Locomotives; The Right Engine for the Job; Steam or Diesel?; Carriages; Wagons; Guard's Van; Excursions; Museum on the Move; Dinner in the Diner; State Occasions; A Day in the Life of Our Train; Express Trains; Heavy Engineering; Heritage Engineering Ireland; Lights, Camera, Action!; Photography; Education; An Accredited Museum; Dawn of the Diesel; Whitehead at War; and Permanent Way.
Each of the topics has a descriptive and informative text as well as several pictures, both historic and more recent, to give a taste of what we do, how we do it and some of our monumental achievements so far.
The Guide also includes lots of information on how to get in touch - and keep in touch - with the Society, the facilities we offer. And, for those suitably inspired by the Guide, how to volunteer for the myriad of jobs that need to be done to keep the show on the road.
“It must surely be the best guide to any preserved railway centre of any sort, anywhere. It's just wonderful. You have included such a fabulous selection of pictures past and present, encompassing so many people as well as every aspect of the trains, etc. Hope it sells a million, it certainly deserves to.” - Michael H.C. Baker, Railway Author
The Guide is aimed at our visitors but, at only £5 or €5, every railway bookshelf should have one! Get one today and recommend it to your friends.
Available from our Shop.