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NCC Mogul (2022-2025)
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The preparation of parts for NCC spare boiler and 2-6-0 Class W Mogul rebuild.
6/2/2022: Machining in wheel lathe of smokebox ring bore to suit new boiler barrel. (R.B. Hill)
13/2/2022: Front frame stretcher plate manufacture underway. (R.B. Hill)
13/2/2022: Inner firebox being drilled at seams. (R.B. Hill)
13/2/2022: New boiler barrel being prepared for front ring fitting. (R.B. Hill)
13/2/2022: Slotting machine on loan (from Strathspey Railway) for machining of new axlebox castings. (R.B. Hill)
26/2/2022: Frame front stretcher plate set up on horizontal boring machine. (R.B. Hill)
18/2/2022: Boring the boiler angle ring. (P.A. Scott)
19/2/2022: The angle ring (which connects the barrel to the front tube plate) fitted in place after machining. (P.A. Scott)
26/2/2022: Front ring fitted to barrel of new boiler. (R.B. Hill)
19/3/2022: Trial fit of the throat plate to the boiler barrel. The jack is to adjust slight ovality of the barrel. (P.A. Scott)
16/4/2022: One of the new axleboxes in the (borrowed) Strathspey slotting machine.
16/4/2022: HEI foreman Jim Adams sandblasting one of the new motion brackets prior to painting.
29/5/2022: Axlebox inner profile being cut on borrowed Strathspey slotting machine. (R.B. Hill)
4/6/2022: Two massive forgings were made for the coupling rods. These were then cut to profile (by high-pressure water jet!).
4/6/2022: There is a lot of machining still to be done on the coupling rods. The forging had to be thick enough to allow for lateral offsets - seen marked out in chalk.
26/6/2022: Between frames stretcher plate set up on horizontal boring machine. This plate will be above the pony truck. (R.B. Hill)
16/7/2022: The boiler and firebox throat plate set up for drilling and rivetting.
16/7/2022: The smokebox saddle being fabricated.
12/7/2022: Four driving axleboxes after trimming of inner profile on Strathspey slotting machine. (R.B. Hill)
20/8/2022: Starting to look a lot like a boiler.
23/9/2022: Stretcher plate 2, having angled flange machined on horizontal boring machine. (R.B. Hill)
26/11/2022: The barrel with dome and safety valve reinforcing rings.
4/12/2022: Frame stretcher plate 10. (R.B. Hill)
4/12/2022: Frame with some stretcher plates fitted. R.B. Hill)
4/12/2022: Milling clearance slots in stretcher plate 3 on Huron mill. (R.B. Hill)
4/12/2022: Work on smokebox saddle fabrication is progressing. (R.B. Hill)
4/12/2022: Forged doorplate scarfs at boiler foundation ring. (R.B. Hill)
4/12/2022: Close-up of forged doorplate scarf at boiler foundation ring. (R.B. HGill)
18/3/2023: The outer firebox wrapper shaped, but requiring trimming to size.
8/4/2023: One of the 12 newly-cast driving wheel horn guides set up for machining.
8/4/2023: Mogul parts stored awaiting machining.
29/5/2023: Bob Skingle had at work riveting the boiler stiffening plate. (P.A. Scott)
29/7/2023: Axlebox guides aligned to frames and attachment holes reamed. (R.B. Hill)
29/7/2023: Machining of front bufferbeam bracket on horizontal boring machine. (R.B. Hill)
5/8/2023: The steam dome base fitted to the boiler.
5/8/2023: The steel outer firebox (left) and copper inner firebox (right).
9/8/2023: The milling machine at Cooke Brothers machining the curve of the smokebox saddle. (P.A. Scott)
19/8/2023: The Society has in stock an existing crosshead, from a scrapped class WT jeep.
19/8/2023: The second crosshead has been cast and awaits machining.
19/8/2023: A W/WT connecting rod survived scrapping, but the second one had to be newly manufactured.
26/8/2023: Boiler saddle for the Mogul, newly returned from being milled by a contractor.
3/9/2023: Dan McCollough attaching a sling to the new stand which will be manoeuvered into place by the small overhead crane. Meanwhile Bob Skingle, just visible in the main overhead crane, lifts the locomotive frames. (P.A. Scott)
3/9/2023: The frames have been placed on stands (the temporary trolleys will be removed) to provide a firm location for alignment and further assembly. Mervyn Fleming runs a critical eye over the proceedings. (P.A. Scott)
28/10/2023: A view of the boiler top.
28/10/2023: A close-up of the riveted strengthener for the clack valve mounting.
28/10/2023: A close-up of the dome mounting, temporarily bolted and awaiting riveting.
28/10/2023: One of the axleboxes being machined.
28/10/2023: An axlebox guide fitted.
28/10/2023: One of the driving wheel spring hangers.
28/10/2023: The smokebox saddle fitted in the frames.
15/7/2024: Drilling rivet holes on the firebox door plate shoulder - an awkward job. (P.A. Scott)
21/7/2024: Drilling of several hundred rivet holes in the firebox is nearly complete. Here is the right-hand side. (P.A. Scott)
21/7/2024: A closer look at the right-hand side of the firebox. (P.A. Scott)
24/8/2024: The boiler faceplate fittings have started to appear.
15/2/2025: Flange plate 5 (between frames) being set up for machining.
27/2/2025: Boiler with the front tubeplate fitted.
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